Sunday, December 13, 2015

Design & Upload!

Sites to upload and sell your work as a designer without having to process and ship yourself!

If you are not doing your own marketing or do not upload new content regularly,  you may not get any sales. So, the more you market to more you make!

These are the sites that I currently use:


This will take you to my store. From there you can go to the link at the top (join).

This place has multiple items they place your work on. You create the initial design and size it to fit their required dimensions. Voila!


This will take you to my uploads. From there you can click on "become a creator".

I found out about this site while in school. It's an awesome place to send your icons out into the world. People can download them without paying, download with a subscription to the site (you receive a certain amount), or they can purchase your icons individually (for a set amount).

Your icons do have to get selected. In some cases it has taken nearly a month. You usually get paid a few days after the first of the month IF you make more than $10.

Spoon Flower

This will take you to my designs. From here you can click on "join".

If you appreciate surface design, this is for you. If you appreciate craft, this is for you. The only problem here is you may spend all your money you make on buying material... for yourself. But is that REALLY a problem? Nah.

If you know of more places to Design-Upload-Forget leave me a comment and I can check it out!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Paper or Plastic?

Paper or Plastic?

No thanks, I brought my own.

For another ART320 project I wanted to create something environment related. I also wanted to make sure this project doesn't die with the end of the course. Instead, I am also creating a sustainable campaign to accompany the final product.

Stay tuned to see how this project is coming along!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

DIY: Solar USB Charger

As a project for my Art 320 class we are required to take something apart in order to create an infographic for it. And - as per usual - I have decided to take it a bit further. The "thing" I took apart was a solar charger I purchased a few years back at a book store on my college campus. I think I had just gotten out of my Materials and Methods (or it was something Harry Potter sounding) class. This class was all about the life cycle of the products used directly and indirectly when building or remodelling a home.
I was very excited to use this product as my phone usually ran out of juice fairly quickly. I do not know if it was because I tried to use it in the most overcast part of the day or because it really just did not work but I felt like I only purchased an expensive LED flashlight. :(

And so it sat, on my dashboard, baking in the summer and freezing in the winter. I had even forgotten it had a flashlight. 

A while later (years, maybe?) I decided to look for its manual online to see if I could fix it. Even with my genius google-ing skills- I found nothing. And so it continued to sit - warping in the ever changing tempuratures of my automobile with the fear of entering the landfill and poisoning all of the Earth - a fear gained from that Harry Potter-esq (only in name) class. 

Alas! I school project that required to take something apart! As I took it apart I realized that big "power button" was either not a power button at all or was completely missing a piece. I still don't know because I am not a circuitist...

After google-ing away at how I could fix it I decided I will make my own. So, I kept google-ing away. To my dismay I found a zillion-jabillion different ways to create a solar charger. I even found an easier way through that would end up being cheaper and probably quicker with likely a diagram that was easy to understand and put together. BUT being that I am destined to choose the difficult path I kept on google-ing and came across

Thanks to this awesome website I was able to create an icon set from the list of materials in the guide. Of course, I didn't know what anything was- so, with a little more google-ing I found the use of the piece and what it looked like in order to purchase it off as well as create this icon set.

I had originally wanted to create a booklet printed on transparency "paper" using photography. Unfortunately, the pieces would not have arrived in enough time to complete this project.

I had the idea of arranging these icons on a poster. Going even further, I decided that this concept would be best used as a pocket reference and proceded to design the layout in the direction it would be unfolded.

When you open the first part you have a visual shopping list! You're welcome.

And now - here is the full, opened version...

Wait for it...

How about making a laptop/computer solar charger? I think I need to conduct more research on the cord prong thingy's... ;) 

Saturday, May 23, 2015

DIY Bamboo Portfolio

A photo posted by Demetria (@demetria.rose) on

I have had the idea to do this with quite a few other projects but I could not find this bamboo anywhere (in the size I wanted). I finally found a local company that had exactly what I wanted. Thank you, NW Bamboo (they also ship)! So, here is what I used:

Contact me for special orders via:

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Needy Cards

This project was started in January of 2015. Each card is inspired by the style of Lichtenstein with the flare of Demetria Rose.

"You're OLD!" was the original creation for a class project.

"if I wanted your opinion" was created for my dad's birthday. Pop Art for my Pops!

Get well soon... 

 You'd complain

"...cake?" Who doesn't love cake?

Go to bed too early? You know who you are! "Past My Bedtime!"

Are you a "Slack-Ass" and forgot someones birthday? Welp, here you go... you're late!

That awkward moment when that talented person grows up and can't wear muscle shirts everyday.

Stay tuned for more Needy Cards

Friday, February 6, 2015

The Beginning

Demetria Rose is currently a Graphic Design student at Portland State University; employed as an in-house graphic designer at The Center for Public Service; a mother; and the owner of Dahlia Inspirations- an Arts and Crafts company inspired by the birth of her daughter.

As an artist who works in a variety of media, her artworks are saturated with obviousness, mental inertia, clichés and bad jokes. They question the coerciveness that is derived from the more profound meaning and the superficial aesthetic appearance of an image. Parodying mass media by exaggerating certain formal aspects inherent to our contemporary society, she makes works that can be seen as self-portraits. Sometimes they appear idiosyncratic and quirky, at other times, they seem typical by-products of American superabundance and marketing.